08 November 2009

JavaScript Recall

Today I finished my small piece of work with JavaScript. Why JavaScript? Good question, actually. The answer is, be cause it is supported by most (or on all even) browsers and can provide the simplest way to prettify the HTML. When I starting this blog I suddenly stuck with adding a code snippet. The <pre> tag would help, but my code was too long to fit in a predefined place, so, wrapped lines becomes absolutely unreadable. I started with customizing the blog template by CSS and step-by-step I finish with JavaScript.

29 June 2009

Do you believe in God?

In advance, this paper is neither about God nor about his existence. I prefer to stay away from divine-related discussion, as belief in God is a personal issue.

However, I'm sure that whatever people can’t explain they put outside of human competency and ascribe it mystical attributes or halo of divinity. A good sample of this is lighting. Before Benjamin Franklin proved its electrical nature, it was thought to be a sign of God’s wrath. People often prefer myths, especially if those myths can compensate for their own lack of knowledge.

16 March 2009

Perversion Of Control

Once I had a chance to observe the quite funny picture: the young man fights with baggy pants without belt. Looking on his tremendous efforts to get the equilibrium when pants are still on him but sagging as low as it is possible, I tried to understand why he does this. It looks strange, isn’t it? If to do this for hour by hour, day by days, life may become difficult. What reason to do this? The reason (thanx my wife) was that it is very fashionable thing now. Fashion! People implies fashion often to explain an irrationality.